
Tuesday 3 April 2018

Most Inspirational Photographers of the Month - March 2018

inspirational photographers image
Here we are at the end of March, and I'm wondering where the first quarter of the year went!
And as the days have flown by, lots of PhotographyTalk members have been uploading some seriously awesome stuff.
Truly - this crop of photos includes some of the best photos I've seen in recent years. They are that good!
So, without further ado, let's review the most inspirational photos of the month.

March 1 - Tim Boyer

Timing is everything in photography, as this shot by Tim Boyer demonstrates.
This Great Egret having its lunch is perfectly framed, and the warm, golden light illuminating the scene from the background only makes it a more compelling photo.

March 2 - Gord-O

This photo has a bit of a surreal look thanks to smoke from nearby forest fires. But even with the hazy air, this is one beautiful photo by Gord-O!
The trees on either side of the shot frame the meadow and the distant mountains beautifully. And how about that color?!

March 3 - Hans

Winter landscapes can be hard to master, but in this case, Hans seems to be right on target.
The interplay between the darkness of the water in the foreground and the brightness of the snow in the background certainly delights the eye. The pops of bright blue in the ice are a nice touch as well.

March 4 - Sew Trendy

Adding drama to a portrait can help you elevate the shot to an entirely other level, as was done in this stunning photo shared with us by Sew Trendy.
Not only is there tons of dramatic light and color in the shot, but the movement of the model’s gown is also quite eye-catching.

March 5 - Lior Yaakobi

The Lofoten Islands in Norway are a photographer’s dream, with gorgeous fishing villages, soaring mountains, and beautiful water. That makes a great situation for creating peaceful and serene shots like this one by Lior Yaakobi.
The diffused light filtering through the clouds gives this shot gorgeous, even light that really sets it off. Great work, Lior!

March 6 - Paul Rossi

Paul Rossi created a beautiful portrait of this Golden-Winged Warbler perched in a crabapple tree.
The key to the success of this image is in part with the framing of the shot...
Notice how the bird is very slightly off-center to the right, which allows the tree branch to be featured as a leading line.
Great stuff, Paul!

March 7 - GJ

Macro photography offers us a peek into worlds we might not typically notice. And when done right, like in this shot by GJ, they can be truly spectacular.
One of the keys to a great macro shot is getting the subject in sharp focus. GJ did that to perfection!

March 8 - Destin Sparks

Destin Sparks captured the beauty of Moraine Lake in this epic sunrise shot.
Notice the use of complementary colors to give this image more impact - the blue tones of the lake and sky and the orange tones of the sunlight work together perfectly!

March 9 - kpanchalco

Shape and color are often used to give a photo more interest. And in this case, kpanchalco uses these features to perfection.
The shape of the fish, along with the sheer number of them, as well as the gorgeous silver highlights make this one beautiful image!

March 10 - donnnnnny

Though the long exposure to blur the movement of the water in this shot by donnnnnny is the star of the show, an argument could be made that the layers in this shot is what sets it off.
Between the texture of the leaves in the foreground, the bright clusters of green in the midground, and the shape of the bridge in the background, there’s a lot in this photo to delight the eye.

March 11 - Paul Rossi

This shot of these Pileated Woodpeckers shows how a long focal length and proper framing can set a bird photo off.
Paul Rossi got in close to the action (photographing the birds from a blind) to highlight the detail of the birds’ feathers, coloring, and eyes. Great stuff, Paul!

March 12 - Lior Yaakobi

Lofoten, Norway has never looked so good as in this stunning photo by Lior Yaakobi.
The low-hanging clouds keep the scene intimate and allows the brightness of the red homes jump off the screen. The long exposure gives this image a dreamy look as well.

March 13 - Hans

This warm, bright shot by Hans just goes to show that there doesn’t have to be a lot of fine detail in an image to be powerful.
The silhouettes of the trees, temples, and mountains give the image a wonderful layering effect while also balancing out the brightness of the rising sun.

March 14 - GJ

GJ shows off the value of having a simple background when photographing small subjects in this shot of an Empusa Mantis.
Since the mantis has so much intricate detail, framing the shot with a single-colored background allows this little guy to shine.

March 15 - Tim Boyer

When photographing birds, don’t discount the value of snapping a photo from a sharply upward-looking perspective, as Tim Boyer did in this image.
The bird’s outstretched wings are on full display, and we also get to see the beautiful color of the bird’s beak and feet from this angle. Great work, Tim!

March 16 - Destin Sparks

Mount Cook National Park never looked so good as it does in this breathtaking photo by Destin Sparks.
The combination of the golden color of the foreground grasses and the darker brown and blue tones in the background make this shot a delight to see. All that beautiful fog sure helps, too!

March 17 - John4212

There’s nothing quite like a thick layer of fog and mist to add moody drama to your landscape photography.
In this shot, John4212 captures the mood beautifully in creating a soft, dreamy look at this waterfall. Good stuff, John!

March 18 - Tim Vollmer

Tim Vollmer captured what appears to be air bubbles frozen in this lake, but they’re actually methane gas bubbles.
The beautiful shapes combined with the icy window into which the image was taken makes for one heck of a compelling photo!

March 19 - PaweÅ‚ Uchorczak

The combination of Iceland’s mountains, black sand beaches, a sunset, and a double rainbow is tough to beat in this beauty by PaweÅ‚ Uchorczak.
Notice how the waves on the beach create a perfect leading line that connects the foreground to the background. That’s how it’s done!

March 20 - Paul Rossi

Paul Rossi is a master bird photographer, and those skills are on full display in this beautiful photo of this family of owls.
There’s a ton of depth in this shot, thanks to the jagged edges of the tree trunk in the foreground. Combined with the owls’ big eyes, this image is full of interest!

March 21 - GJ

What a sunset! GJ captured the colors of the setting sun in perfect form, with bright, saturated orange tones that set this photo off.
The silhouetted coastline and distant mountains only give this shot more drama.

March 22 - Dani Lefrancois

This gorgeous shot by Dani Lefrancois has all the elements of a fantastic landscape photo...
There’s beautiful scenery, eye-popping colors, great foreground interest, and wonderful mood with the overhanging clouds. Great work, Dani!

March 23 - Joseph Watrous

Between the beautiful sky, the setting sun, the interesting rock formations, and the gorgeous reflections in the wet sand, Joseph Watrous captured tons of awesome elements in a single image.
Layering all these elements together created one heck of an example of landscape photography!

March 24 - Paul Rossi

One of the keys to creating a captivating bird photo is to convey the bird’s personality.
Paul Rossi has done just that with this playful image of an Upland Sandpiper landing on a fence post.

March 25 - Nicholas Steinberg

Conveying a certain mood or feeling with your photography is just as important as conveying the subject matter itself.
In this beautiful shot by Nicholas Steinberg, there’s an idyllic peacefulness that results from the muted colors and calm water in the image. Nice work, Nicholas!

March 26 - Gary A. Randall

Using leading lines to create depth in a photo is one of the most common landscape photography tricks you can use.
In this image, Gary A. Randall uses leading lines to perfection, drawing our eyes into the scene and leading them deeper into the shot.

March 27 - Roberto

Sunset photos have a lot of potential because of the soft light and gorgeous colors they produce.
But as this shot by Roberto shows, if you pair a sunset with a beautiful landscape like the one found in Lofoten, Norway, you have a recipe for a stellar photograph.

March 28 - Rita K. Connell

Rita K. Connell captured this beautiful red bird in the ideal habitat to make his colors shine.
The combination of the deep red color of his feathers and the cool tones of his icy surroundings creates an interesting visual tension in the photo.

March 29 - kodakevin

This incredible light show was captured by kodakevin after setting up shop on a rock in the Llano River in Texas.
Photographing lightning requires impeccable timing and a lot of patience, both of which Kevin must have!

March 30 - Paul Rossi

Even though it’s springtime, it’s never too late to appreciate the beauty of fall colors.
In this shot by Paul Rossi, our eyes are delighted by the array of colors, textures, shapes, and lines. Bravo, Paul!

March 31 - ThrasivoulosP

ThrasivoulosP helps us wrap up March with an unbelievable landscape.
The combination of the reflections in the still waters in the foreground, the jagged mountain peaks, and the colors of the sunset reflected in the beautifully blurred clouds make this one show-stopping shot!

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